"Религия, бедность и политика"

21 февраля — 22 февраля 2013 г.

21 - 22 февраля 2013 года Междисциплинарная конференция "Религия, бедность и политика" (Бреген, Норвегия) организованая CROP и Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)

Multi-disciplinary Conference "Religion, Poverty and Politics"

While poverty and social injustice are glaring social facts in many societies, they are often conceptualized differently by different religious strands. The ways in which poverty and social injustice are understood may reveal not only fundamental differences from secular approaches and between different religious interpretations, but also qualitatively different ways in which poverty is addressed. The question of poverty and social injustice may e.g. involve withdrawal and isolation, non-action, or action against poverty through spiritual, ritual, organizational and/or political means.

The organizers seek papers addressing these issues as well as one or more of the questions below :

  • How do religious actors, institutions and/or organizations interpret and conceptualize poverty ?
  • How is poverty addressed by religious actors, institutions and/or organizations ?
  • In what ways does religion impede or facilitate social, cultural, institutional and/or structural change in societies where poverty is a severe problem ?
  • What characterize the societal models formulated by religious institutions/organizations, and how do they envisage these models and their own roles in the political, juridical and economic spheres of society ?
  • To what extent do religious actors, institutions and/or organizations engage in advocacy vis-à-vis secular authorities with regard to poverty-reduction policies and practices ?

Deadline: 15 November 2012