Banshchikova A. A., Bryndina V. N., Ivanchenko O. V. Between chains and books: historical memory of the Arab-Swahili slave trade of the 19th century in island and mainland Tanzania.
Banshchikova A. A., Bryndina V. N., Ivanchenko O. V. Between chains and books: historical memory of the Arab-Swahili slave trade of the 19th century in island and mainland Tanzania.
Editor-in-Chief: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences D.M. Bondarenko
M.: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences,
2024. — 300 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-5-6052752-2-0
The monograph, based on field research conducted by the authors in Zanzibar, Pemba, and mainland Tanzania in 2018–2024, examines the historical memory of the 19th-century Arab-Swahili slave trade and its impact on contemporary interethnic and interracial relations in the country. It examines the factors that determine the perception of this tragic page of the past by various groups of the population, sources of information about the slave trade, distortions of historical reality that are found both in Tanzanian school textbooks and in respondents' responses, and the interweaving of slave trade and colonial discourses. The book is intended for ethnologists, anthropologists, Africanist historians, specialists in the study of historical memory, and anyone interested in the history and social anthropology of Tanzania and Africa as a whole.