Anastasia Lazutina
Junior Reseacher
Center for History and Cultural Anthropology
SPIN-cod Science Index: 6127-2154
RSCI AuthorID: 1102634
ORCID: 0009-0007-7729-0113
Contact info:
30/1 Spiridonovka St., 123001 Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 (499) 690-61-33
Fax: +7 (495) 697-19-54
Research interests:
French colonial policy in Algeria
Saint-Simonians in Algeria
French colonialism
Colonial ideology
Personal status:
Born on March 22, 1989 in Moscow, Russia.
2006 – 2011: Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of History, Department of Modern and Contemporary History)
2013 – 2016: Moscow City University (Institute of Humanities, Department of History), postgraduate studies
2021 to present: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Center of History and Cultural Anthropology), postgraduate studies
Language competence:
French, English
I. Journal Articles:
1.Lazutina A.E. The role of Ismail Urbain in French-Algerian relations. In: Bulletin of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: Historical Sciences. 2015. № 1(17). P. 98–106;
2.Lazutina А.Е. On the issue of the French conquest of Algeria. In: Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Humanities. 2016. № 5. P. 27–31;
3.Lazutina А.Е. Napoleon III`s first visit to Algeria. In: Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Humanities. 2017. № 11. P. 41–44;
4.Lazutina А. Е. The charm of utopia: at the origins of the ideological foundations of modern European Civilization. In: History and Historical Memory. 2021. № 22/23. P. 224–230;
5.Lazutina A.E. The ideologist of French colonialism Alexis de Tocqueville on the Algerian question (1830–1848). In: Manuscript. 2024. Volume 17. Issue 3. P. 390–396. URL:
II. Abstracts:
1.Lazutina А.Е. The reasons for Napoleon III's second trip to Algeria (May 3–June 7, 1865). In: Proceedings of the XX All-Russian School of Young Africanists, Moscow, November 30, 2021. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2021. P. 116–117;
2.Lazutina А.Е. On the policy of the Arab Kingdom of Napoleon III in Algeria. In: Materials of the XXI All-Russian School of Young Africanists "The rising role of Africa in the emerging world order". Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2022. P. 231–232;
3.Lazutina А.Е. French colonists and the assimilation policy of the Second Republic in Algeria. In: Proceedings of the XXII All-Russian School of Young Africanists, Moscow, December 06, 2023. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2023. P. 261–262;
4.Lazutina A.E. "The documents of Prince Napoleon (1822-1891)" in the analysis of the period of the Ministry of Algerian and Colonial Affairs as an experience of civil administration in Algeria". In: VI International Scientific Conference "Archival Oriental Studies". Moscow, November 20-22, 2024 / Program and abstracts / Comp. and ed. by A.D. Vasiliev, O.M. Kournikova. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2024. P. 73;
5.Lazutina A.E. The question of the colonization of Algeria in the works of French intellectuals in the 1830s and 1840s: Alexis de Tocqueville. In: Proceedings of the XXIII All-Russian School of Young Africanists "Cooperation between Russia and African countries at a new stage: economic, Political and cultural aspects", Moscow, December 3-4, 2024. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2024. P. 462–463.
1.Institute of Oriental Studies, State Academic University for the Humanities. The School of Young Scientists "The Era of Revolutions of 1750-1914 in Western Europe and the Mediterranean" (November 8-12, 2021, Yalta). "Assimilate or civilize: Ismail Urbain and French colonial policy in Algeria in the second half of the 19th century.";
2.Institute for African Studies, Russian State Agrarian University. XX All-Russian School of Young Africanists (November 30, 2021, Moscow, ZOOM). "Reasons for Napoleon III's second trip to Algeria (May 3 – June 7, 1865)";
3.Institute for African Studies, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. XXI All-Russian School of Young Africanists "The Rising role of Africa in the emerging World Order". (November 30, 2022, Moscow, Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences). "On the policy of the "Arab Kingdom" of Napoleon III in Algeria";
4.Institute for African Studies, Council of Young Scientists of Moscow State Linguistic University. XXII All-Russian School of Young Africanists (December 6, 2023, Moscow, Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences). "French colonists and the policy of assimilation of the Second Republic in Algeria.";
5.Institute of Oriental Studies. All-Russian Scientific Conference "Escalation of military confrontation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a year later. Influence on World politics" (October 16, 2024, Moscow). "Diana Al-Shaer: towards building a cultural and sports dialogue.";
6.Institute of Oriental Studies. VI International Scientific Conference "Archival Oriental Studies" (November 20-22, 2024, Moscow). "Documents of Prince Napoleon (1822-1891)" in the analysis of the period of the Ministry of Algerian Affairs and Colonies as an experience of civil administration in Algeria.";
7.Institute for African Studies, Financial University. XXIII All-Russian School of Young Africanists: "Cooperation between Russia and African countries at a new stage: economic, political and cultural aspects" (December 3-4, 2024, Moscow). "The question of the colonization of Algeria in the works of French intellectuals in the 1830s and 1840s: Alexis de Tocqueville."