Centre for North African and African Horn Studies
Head of the Centre Alexander TKACHENKO, Ph.D. (Econ.), Member of the RAS Scientific Council for the Problems of Africa https://www.elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=750957
• Russia, Africa and the Muslim World • Reforms in a transitional society.
alexander.tkachenko@inafr.ru |
The main fields of the Centre's Studies:
• Comprehensive studies of the economic and sociopolitical development of the countries of North Africa and the Horn of Africa in the context of Russia's national interests.
• Contemporary problems of Islamic civilisation; the role of Islamic civilisation in shaping the modern world order.
• Institutional reforms in the countries of North Africa and the Horn of Africa in the 21st century.
• The role of Arab countries in the global energy economy; the formation of the oil and gas industry in the Middle East and North Africa.
• Regional conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa.
• The political culture of the ruling elites in the countries of North Africa and the Horn of Africa.
The Centre's Research Fellows:
- Rosa ISMAGILOVA prof., Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 71812
- Ethnicity and ethnocultural processes
Traditional social structures in interethnic processes
- Ivan KOFANOV Ph.D. (Econ.), Senior Research Fellow
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 991905
- Socio-economic and political problems of development of Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania.
- Vladimir KUKUSHKIN, Ph.D. (Econ.), Senior Research Fellow
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 76114
- Socio-economic and political aspects of rent relations
Economic reforms in the countries with transitional economy
Regional problems of power and raw materials producing branches: Russia, Caspian basin, OPEC member-states and Africa
Economic and socio-political problems of Egypt
- Stanislav MEZENTSEV Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 751986
- Socio-economic and political problems of the development of Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti.
- Maria VOLODINA, Ph.D. (Econ.), Senior Research Fellow
- Socio-economic and political problems of the Arab Maghreb
- Taniana KOCHANOVA, Senior Research Fellow
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 915063
- Socio-economic and political problems of Sudan and South Sudan
- Konstantin TKACHENKO Researcher - Ph.D.
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 906090
- Yekaterina ELKINA, Junior Research Fellow
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 750950
- Migration processes, ecology and water problems in North Africa and Africa Horn
- Anna SEMENOVA Junior Researcher
SPIN RSCI AuthorID: 1168255
Science Index SPIN 6689-0532
- • Problems of socio-economic development of Egypt
• Israel and North African countries
• Gender aspect of North African radicalism
- Arseny HARUTYUNYAN junior researcher
Publications of the Centre's Research Fellows 2016 — 2021:
- Tkachenko A., Aksenenok A., Mihin V., Kukushkin V., Mezentsev C. and others. The Middle East and North Africa. The Problem of Modernization and International Security. M. 2016. Institute for African Studies, RAS. 375 p.
- ISBN 978-5-91298-175-3.
- Africa’s Regional Organizations and it’s Importance in Conflicts Resolution in Africa. M. 2017. Institute for African Studies, RAS. 145 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-184-5.
- Bogdanov M. Moscow — Cairo: the Problems of Mutual Collaboration. M. 2017. MGIMO — University. 333 p. ISBN 978-5-9228-1555-0.
- Kobischanov U. Essaies of the History of Christian Civilizations. INDRIK. M. 2017. 645 p. ISBN 978-5-91674-436-1.
- Ismagilova R. Ethiopia: Essensial Features of Rederalizm. M. 2019. 544 p.
- Balashova G. Historical Essaies of the Cultural Policy in Ethiopia: View Across Epochs. S.-Petersburg. 2018. 234 p.
- Kostelyanets S. and others. Threats to Safety of Africa. M. 2018. 275 p.
- North Africa and African Horn in 21 Century. Modernization is the Historical Choice. Institute for African Studies, RAS. 176 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-245-3.
- Kofanov I. Tunisia: the Time of Changes. M. Institute for African Studies, RAS. 148 p. ISBN 978-5-91298-259-0.
- Tkachenko A. Intellectual “Marathon”on the Problems of Development and Modernization // World Economy and International Relations, 2017, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 119-124).
- Ismagilova R. Ethiopia: Interethnic Relations and Conflicts // African Collection — 2017. S-Pts. 64-87 p.
- Kofanov I., Tkachenko A. The Destiny of WTO: Crisis or Fail? // Asia and Africa Today. M. 2017, no. 2. 8-13 p.
- Tkachenko A. Al-hitjra min duval shimal ifrikiya va ash-shark al-ausat: min al-mas’ul va ma al-hal (Migration from North African Countries and Middle East: who is Responsible and What Should be doing?) // Asia and Africa Today. (In Arab.). 2016. Cairo. P. 79-87.
- Kostelyanets S. Policy of Turkey Towards Africa //Asia and Africa Today. M. 2016, № 7.
- Kukuhkin V. Energy in North African Countries: the Strategy of Development // Economic Strategies jf African Countries, Institute for African Studies, RAS. 2016.
- Ismagilova R. Ethiopia: Ethnopolitical Issue in Gambella // Asia and Africa Today. M. № 9. 2016.
- Tkachenko, Alexander (Ed.). The Middle East and North Africa: the Problem of Modernization and International Security. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, RAS, 2016. 376 P. ISBN 978-5-91298-175-3 // African Studies in Russia. Works of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Yearbook 2014-2016. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, RAS, 2017. P.131-132. ISBN 978-5-91298-202-6.
- Mezentsev S.Presidential elections in Somalia and prospects of fighting «Al-Shabaab» terrorist organisation // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. №1 (38). 2017. P. 124-131.
- Tkachenko A. Forming Regional Leadership in the Context of Policentric World
- // World Economy and International Relations, 2018, vol. 62, no. 5, pp.123-128.
- Kostelyanets S. Review: Searching for Boko Haram: A History of Violence in Central Africa // Social Evolution & History. – 2018. – №. 1.
- Kostelyanets S. The Democratic Republic of the Congo: Social Transformations in the Era of Globalization // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences. – 2018.
- Kostelyanets S. , Океке О.А. Russia and the Global Competition for Africa: the Military Dimension // Vostok Восток. 2018. – №. 6.
- Tkachenko A. Social Basis of Radical Movements in Afro-Asian Turbulent zone // Islamic Movements on the Political Map of the World. Vol.3. Afro-Asian Turbulent zone. M. 2018.
- Tkachenko A. International Collaboration in Sciences. On the Scientific Studies of Interethnical Relations // Journal of the Institute for African Stidies. 2018. №3.
- Tkachenko A., Tkachenko K. Saudi Arabia: Historical Experience in Solution of Water Problem // Asia and Africa Today. №11. 2018.
- Ismagilova R. Political Crisis in Ethiopia: “Ethiopian Spring”? // Newsletter. Institute for African Studies. 2018. Vol.8. Iss.2.
- Ismagilova R. Ethiopia and Eritrea – Long Way to The Peace // Newsletter. Institute for African Studies. 2018. Vol.8. Iss.3.
- Kobischanov U. Historical Periods of the Human Civilization of the First Millenium // Issues of History. М. №5. 2018.
- Elkina E., Vassiliev A. Division of Nile Water: View Over Epoches // Issues of History. M. 2018. №10.
- Kochanova T. Will the Time of Growth and Development of the Young Republic of South Sudan Come? // Journal of the Institute for African Stidies. 2018. Vol. 4 (45). P. 91-110. DOI:10.31132/2412-5717-2018-45-4-91-110.
- Kukushkin V. North Africa and Middle East: Financial and Economic Refoms of Energy in the 2010-th // Journal of the Institute for African Stidies. 2017. Vol. 4 (41). P. 18-39.
- Tkachenko A., Volkov S. Economic Collaboration of Russian Federation with North African Countries // World Economy and International Relations, 2019, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 57-66. DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2019-63-7-57-66.
- Tkachenko A., Volkov S. North Africa: Economic Development and the Processes of Modernization // Asia and Africa Today. M. 2019, no. 12.
- Tkachenko A.A., Tkachenko K.A. The Renovation processes in the Middle East and North Africa in 21 century // Asia and Africa Today. M. 2020. №6 (755). С.21-28. DOI: 10.31857/S03215075000987-3.
- Elkina E. Egypt’s Turist Industry Facing Global Challenges: from the Arab Spring to the Pandamic // Asia and Africa Today. M. 2021. № 9. P. 29-33. DQI: 32053859/S252352952238588/8.
- Ismagilova R. Victory Over Italian Colonialists at Adua as the Simbol of National Unity // Issues of History. M. 2021. № 6. P. 98-126.
- T.Kochanova, L.Sadovskaya, N.Fakhrudinova. Evolution of Civic Protest Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa: From Independance to Present Day // Social Evolution and History. V. 20, n. 2. September. „Uchitel“ Publishing House. 2021/2. DOI: 10.30884/SEH/2021.02-
- Ismagilova R. Ethiopia: Ethnisity and Selfdetermination of Sidamo// Asia and Africa Today. M. 2021. № 6. P. 50-56. DOI 10.31857/S032150750015265-3.
- Vassiliev A., Tkachenko A. Middle East in the Globalized World // Asia and Africa Today. M. 2021. № 8. P. 74-80. DOI: 10.31857/S032150750015946-2.
- Tkachenko A., Tkachenko K. North Africa: the Food Problem in the Light of the United Nations Initiative towards Formating “National Food Systems”// Asia and Africa Today. M. 2021. № 11.