I. Economics, Politics, and Society
I-1. African Population in a New Global Model of Economic Development
I-3. Challenges of Democratisation and the New African Civil-Military Relations
I-4. Chiefs in Postcolonial Governance and Development in Africa: Issues and Options
I-5. Economic Policy in Africa
I-6. Gender Dimension of Social and Political Life in Africa
I-7. Governance and Nation Building in Transitional Africa
I-9. Justice and Development in Contemporary Africa
I-10. Pasts and Futures: The African State since the 1950s and into the 21st Century
I-11. Political Modernization and Social Development in Africa
I-12. Sociopolitical Destabilization Risks in Africa Monitoring
I-13. The Election-Related Violence Incidences in Africa
I-14. The Social and Political Effects of AIDS in Africa
II. Environment
II-1. Ecology and State Policy in Africa
II-2. Political Economy and the African Environment
III. History and Anthropology
III-1. African History: Old and New Approach
III-3. After Bandung Conference: A Wind of Change in the African Continent (1955–1965)
III-6. Society and Politics in Africa in the Historical and Cultural Aspects
IV. International Relations
IV-1. Africa and the EU: Past, Present, Future
IV-2. Africa in the Context of Modern International Law
IV-3. China and Africa
IV-3-A. China-Africa Rhetorics and Discourses: The State, the Media and African Society
IV-3-B. Chinese and Africans in Sub-Saharan Africa: Motivations and Interactions
IV-3-C. The Impact of China on African Economies
IV-4. Emerging Powers in Africa: New Wave of the Relationship?
IV-5. Military-Political Cooperation of Africa with Great Powers and International Organisations
IV-6. Neocolonialism in Africa: 21st Century
IV-7. Russia and Africa in the Context of "North-South" Relations and in the Framework of BRICS
IV-8. UN SC APSA and Military Interventions in Africa
V. Linguistics
V-1. Language and Society in Africa
VI. Media
VI-1. Development of Mass Media in Modern Africa: New Opportunities, Old Limitations
VII. Regional and National Problems
VII-1. Contemporary Development Problems of Southern African Countries
VII-3. The Horn of Africa: Between Archaic and Globalization
VII-4. Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa: Old Sources Revisited, New Sources Analyzed
VII-5. Naming Otherness: Art, Traditions and Wars in Angola and beyond
VII-6. Nigeria: 100 Years after Amalgamation
VII-7. Nigeria Elections and Invalid Votes: A Challenge for Adult Continuing Education
VII-10. Social Change, Southern African Case Studies
VII-11. Tropical Africa: Specifics of Regional Development
VIII. Religion and Culture
VIII-1. African Cinema: The View from Moscow
VIII-2. Globalization, Democratic Culture Evolution and Political Re-orientation in Africa
VIII-3. Reflecting on Traditionalism and Reels of Africa’s Developmental Paradigms
VIII-4. Religious Identity Politics in Africa: New Perspectives
VIII-5. States of Sub-Saharan Africa in the Age of Globalization: Preservation of Cultural Identity
VIII-6. Understanding Social and Political Change through Mutations in Popular Music
IX. Free Communication Panels
IX-1. Economics, Politics, and Society
IX-2. History, Anthropology, Religion, and Culture
IX-3. International Relations, National and Regional Problems
Convener: Organizing Committee Member (Institute for African Studies, Moscow, Russia); e-