Valentina V. Gribanova
Ph.D (History), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Centre for History and Cultural Anthropology
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 4841-0622
Modern and contemporary history of South Africa; Education and Southern Africa's cultures
Personal status:
Born on December 5, 1973, married
2000 – Ph.D (History). Thesis: Education in South Africa. From segregation to democratic changes.
1997–2000 — postgraduate study, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.
1991–1996 — V.I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Scholarly Experience:
02. 2008 – present – Department of History, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher, Moscow
06. 2004 – 2007 ― Center for History, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher, Moscow.
06. 2001 – 05. 2004 — Center for History, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, researcher, Moscow.
01. 2001 – 05. 2001 — Center for History, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, junior researcher, Moscow.
Teaching Experience:
2004 - 2012 ― Russian State University for the Humanities, senior teacher, Faculty of the General History, courses: modern and contemporary history of European countries.
2002 – 2007 ― Institute of Linguistics, Moscow Energy Institute, courses: Cultural Studies, Russian History.
Language Competence:
Russian, English
I. Monographs:
1.Gribanova V.V. Education in South Africa. From Apartheid to Democratic Transformation. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2003.
2.Gribanova V.V. Three centuries of educational development in South Africa. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2008.
3.Gribanova V.V., Ponomarev I.V. School and politics. From the history of the creation and reform of the school system in the countries of Eastern and Southern Africa. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2018.
II. Collective Monographs:
1. Gribanova V.V. "Fees must fall" - a new page of the protest movement of South African youth (actions 2015-2016) // Anthropology of Africa: new objects of research. O.I. Kavykin. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2018.
2. Gribanova V.V. The search for ethnocultural identity in the educational process of South Africa: history and modernity // Ethnic identity in modern Africa. Ed. by. T.V. Evgenieva. M., Institute for African Studies Press, 2017.
3. Gribanova V.V. Chapter 10. Student and youth organizations of modern South Africa // Youth in the political and socio-cultural life of Africa. N.L. Krylova, N.A. Ksenofontova, N.V. Grishina. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2019.
4. Gribanova V.V. Chapter 6. Reforming the higher education system in South Africa after the elimination of apartheid: achievements, miscalculations, prospects. Introduction (with N.V. Grishina). Conclusion // African traditions and modernity. Problems of history, culture and gender. V.V. Gribanova, N.L. Krylova. Moscow, Institute for African Studies Press, 2020.
5. Gribanova V.V. Chapter 11. "Decolonization of education (on the example of South Africa)" // Africa: postcolonial discourse. Ed. by Gavristova T.M., Khokholkova N.E. M., Institute for African Studies Press, 2020.
III.Articles (main for the last 5 years):
1. Gribanova Students from North African Countries in Russian Universities: Problems of Adaptation // Pedagogy. 2016. № 7. Pp. 47-52.
2. Gribanova V.V. Sub-Saharan Africa and the Millennium Development Goals // Asia and Africa Today. 2017. №. 2. Pp. 59-62.
3. Gribanova V.V. Students from the Countries of North Africa in the Russian Higher Schools: Problems of Adaptation. In R.V. Dmitriev (ed) // African Studies in Russia. Works of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Yearbook 2014–2016. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2017. Рp. 76-80.
4. Gribanova V.V. "Women's Question" in the XXI Century: Based on the Results of the UN Millennium Development Goals // Women's Organizations in Africa as a Form of Political and Sociocultural Expression (African Experience). / Ed. by N.L. Krylova. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2017. Pp. 161-171.
5. Gribanova V.V. Protest actions of South African youth in the context of the current crisis of the country's higher education system // Bulletin of the Volgograd State University. Series 4. History. Regional studies. International relationships. Volume 23. №. 2. 2018. Pp. 177-185. DOI:
6. Gribanova V.V., Tatarovskaya I.G. Traditional upbringing and education among the peoples of Africa: history and modernity // Pedagogy. 2018. №. 12. Pp. 108-117.
7. Gribanova V.V. Youth and Student Movements in South Africa in the Early 21st Century as a Reflection of the Crisis of the System of Higher Education // South Africa: Pages of History and Contemporary Politics. D.A. Zelenova, V.G. Shubin. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2018. С. 94 – 102.
8. Gribanova V.V. New phenomena in the education system of South Africa in the XXI century. // Kunstkamera. 2019. №. 4. Pp. 9-19. DOI 10.31250 / 2618-8619-2019-4 (6) -00-00.
9. Gribanova V.V., Grishina N.V. On new trends in the study of Africa // Asia and Africa today. 2020. №. 1. Pp. 46–49. DOI: 10.31857 / S032150750008165-3
10. Gribanova V.V. Education and Politics in Africa // Journal of the Institute for African Studies. 2020. № 1. Pp. 71-81. DOI 10.31132 / 2412-5717-2020-50-1-71-81.
11. Gribanova V.V. Decolonization of Education in South Africa: Historical Review and Current Problems. In D.M. Bondarenko (ed.). International Conference “Africa: History and Results of Decolonization (For the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples). Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2–5 November 2020. Book of Abstracts. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2020. P. 119-120.
12. Gribanova V.V., Grishina N.V. Specificity of gender roles in the urban black population of South Africa: history and modernity // Vostok (Oriens). 2021. № 2. Pp. 93–103. DOI: 10.31857 / S086919080014399-5
Participation in conferences:
- XXXI International Scientific Congress on Source Study and Historiography of Asian and African Countries «Russia and the East. To the 100th Anniversary of Political and Cultural Relations of Modern Times». SPb., May 24, 2021.
- XV International Conference of Africanists «The fate of Africa in the modern world» Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, May 25, 2021
- International conference «Africa: History and Results of Decolonization (For the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples)» International Conference. November 2–5, 2020, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- 2nd International Forum "Development of Parliamentarism". Round table "Russia - Africa". Moscow, July 1-3, 2019.
- XXX International Congress on Source Study and Historiography of Asian and African Countries. To the 150th anniversary of Academician V.V. Barthold (1869-1930). SPb., June 19-21, 2019
- International scientific conference «Youth in the socio-political and cultural life of Africa». Moscow, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, November 14, 2018
- XIV International Conference of Africanists «Africa and Africans in the National, Regional and Global Dimensions». Moscow, Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. October 17-20, 2017.
- 11th Conference of Africanists «Africa's Development: Possibilities and Constraints». Panel 11. Moscow. 05. 2008
- International Conference «Conflicts and Compromises in a Socio-cultural Context». Moscow. 04. 2006
- 10th Conference of Africanists «Security for Africa: Internal and External Aspects». Moscow. 05. 2005
- Conference «In memory of D.A. Olderogge»: «D.A. Olderogge and modern African Studies in Russia». Saint Petersburg. 10. 2003
- 9th Conference of Africanists «Africa in the Context of North–South Relations». Moscow. 05. 2002
- Conference «In memory of D.A.Olderogge»: «Russia in Africa and Africa in Russia». Saint Petersburg. 05. 2001