Alexander A. Kazankov
hunter-gatherers; matrilineal societies; comparative mythology; ethnomusicology, prehistory; ethnography of South East Asia, music, culture and language of the Tuaregs
Personal data:
born March 30 1953 . Malahovka, Moscow region, single

Education, academic degrees:
1999: Ph.D. (Culture Studies); Russian State University for the Humanities; thesis title: Aggression in hunter-gatherers' societies
1977: M.A. (General History and Ethnography); Department of Ethography, School of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University; thesis title: Social organization of the hunter-gatherers

Languages competence:
fluent: Russian, English
restricted: Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, German, Malay

Academic experience:
from 1999 up to now – senior esearch member. Departmant of history and cultural anthropology (from 1999 to 2007 sen. r. m. Of the Center of the civilizational and regional studies)

Teaching experience:
from 1998 up to now; place: Center for cocial anthropology of the Russian State University for Humanities , Moscow; courses: formal cross-cultural studies, ethnology of South-East Asia, ethnology of Oceania, prehistory, theory of ethnicity, ethnomusicology

Hobbies and other sientific interests:
music: blues, fado, andino, Russian folk music, manufacture of Pan flutes and quena flutes; comparative linguistics, ethnogenomics, origin of language.

Recent publications:
1. Neolithic Mythology and the Origin of Socilal Stratification. In Lo Straneiro. 2004. 37.
2. Translation into Russian of and comments on E. E. Evans-Pritchard Theories of Primitive Religion. Moscow: OGI, 2004.
3. How Ishtar Caused the Flood. In Мужчина и женщина: диалог или соперничество [The Man and the Woman: Dialogue or Competition?]. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2005.
4. Translation into Russian of, foreword to and comments on D.D. Gilmore. Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2005.
5. Лунный Заяц, Женщина-Паук и проблемы сравнительной мифологии [The Moon Hare, Spider-Woman and the Problems of the Comparative Mythology]. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2007. 335 p.
6. Символизм числа четыре и распространение матрилинейных социальных структур [Symbolism of the number «four» and Spread of Matrilinearity. In Мужчина и женщина: эволюция отношений [The Man and the Woman: Evolution of Relationships].Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2007.
7. Эволюция норм сексуального поведения у вида homo sapiens [Evolution of the Sexual Behavior Norms in the Homo Sapiens Specie]. In [The Man and the Woman: Evolution of Relationships].Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2007.
8. Proto-World Language. 2009.