Irina G. Tatarovskaya
Ph.D. (Phil.), Senior Researcher Fellow
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 6037-8310
Folklore and mythology of Tropical and South Africa; culture and traditions in African countries; African philosophy
Personal status:
Born on November 14, 1978, married.
2004 - Ph.D. (Phil.) Thesis: The structural semantic types of phraseologies in Lingala
2001-2004 – Postgraduate study, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University
2001 - Master of Oriental and African studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University
1999 - Bachelor of Oriental studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University
Scholarly experience:
02. 2008 – present – Department of History, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Moscow
03. 2005-2007 – Center for History, Ethnic and Cultural studies. Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Moscow
Language competence:
Russian, French, Lingala
Academic trips abroad:
01.2004-03.2004 – Trainee, I.V. Goethe University, Frankfurt on Main,Germany
Publications (all in Russian):
Dissertation abstract:
1. Structural-semantic types of phraseologies in Lingala. M., 2004
2. The mythology of the peoples of Tropical and South Africa. Epistemology and picture of the world. M., 2014.
1. Philosophy. Textbook. M., 2009 (co-authored).
2. Mythology of the peoples of Tropical and South Africa. Epistemology and picture of the world. M., 2014.
3. Ontology and epistemology of the supernatural in African mythology. M., 2016 (co-authored).
4. Myths of the peoples of Tropical and South Africa: the basis of the spiritual and social life of African society. M., 2016.
5. Woman and culture. African traditions. Modern tendencies. M., 2021 (co-authored).
1. Symbol as a form of cognition // Bulletin of the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration. Series "Philosophical, social and natural sciences". No. 2 (21) / 3 (23). M, 2013. S. 192-201.
2. Color symbols of the peoples of Tropical and South Africa // Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences. Issue No. 10. Krasnodar, 2014.S. 48-54.
3. Snake as a symbol of life and death in African mythology // Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences. Issue No. 12. Krasnodar, 2014.S. 110-114.
4. The image of the demiurge and cultural hero in African mythology // Vestnik MGTU. T. 17. No. 4. Murmansk, 2014. S. 773-777.
5. Linguistic diversity in the educational process: symbol and metaphor in the Bantu languages // Sociology of Education. No. 12. M., 2014. S. 88-100.
12. Women's symbolism in the cosmogonic and cosmological myths of the peoples of Tropical and South Africa // Social, political and cultural life of African countries in the gender dimension. Collective monograph. M., 2014. S. 130-136.
13. Totem: the problem of its origin in African mythology // Management of the metropolis. M., 2015, No. 6 (48). S. 28-41.
15. Dendrocentric picture of the world in African mythology and culture // African collection - 2017. SPb., 2017. pp. 167-178.
16. Social status of griots in modern Africa // Women's organizations as a form of political and sociocultural self-expression (African experience). Series "Gender Studies" V. 20. M., 2017. pp. 24-37.
17. The original culture of the Griots as the basis of their identification // Ethnic identity in modern Africa. M., 2017. S. 231-242.
18. God and totem in African mythology // Humanities and socio-economic sciences. Rostov-on-Don., 2018.S. 61-66.
19. To the question of the origin of the Lingala language // Under the sky of my Africa. Almanac. M., 2018. Issue 8, pp. 166-177.
20. Supernatural in African mythology // Uchenye zapiski. M., 2018, pp. 111-122. No. 4 (45).
22. Folklore as one of the sources about the origin of the griots // Asia and Africa today. No. 10, M., 2019.
Participation in conferences:
05. 2008 - 11th Conference of africanists. “Africa`s development: possibilities and constraints”. Panel 11. Moscow.
10.2007 - The Sixth all-Russia Conference of young africanists. Panel: «African languages and Literatures». Co-chairman. Yaroslavl, Russia.
08. 2006 - The First Russian congress in cultural studies. Panel 3: «Distinctive aspects of specific cultural phenomena». St. Petersburg.
11. 2005 – The Fourth all-Russia Conference of young africanists. Panel: «African languages and literatures». Co-chairman. Moscow.
05.2005 – 10th Conference of africanists “Security for Africa: Internal and external aspects”. Panel 7. Moscow.