Veronica V. Usacheva
Ph.D. (Political Science); Senior Research Fellow
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 6401-8079
Researcher ID: AGN-8698-2022
Contact info:
30/1 Spiridonovka St., 123001 Moscow, Russia
Tel.: +7 (495) 691-41-19
Fax: +7 (495) 697-19-54
Academic degree:
PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Cultural Anthropology
Research interests:
Global information processes, development of the media sphere, information and communication technologies in Africa; various aspects of the concept of race in mod-ern scientific, political and public discourses; African Diaspora and migration.
2000 – PhD in Political Sciences from the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Ph.D. thesis: “Functioning of Mass Media during So-cial and Political Crises (A Comparative Study of Russia and South Africa, 80-90ss XX cent.)”.
1995 – MA in Political Sciences from the Russian State University for the Humani-ties, Moscow. MA thesis: “Political Socialisation in Modern Russia”
2007 – Alumna of the Summer University program of the Central European Univer-sity (CEU), course “Media Globalization and Post-communist European Identities”.
1996 – Alumna of the TASIS TEMPUS Program at the Institute of Sociology, Rus-sian Academy of Sciences. Specialization: «Sociology of Mass Communication».
Language competence:
Fluent: English.
Limited knowledge: French, Italian.
Scholarly experience:
2008 – present – Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of History and Cultural An-thropology, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
2002 – 2006 – Head, Department of International and Public Relations, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
1998 – 2008 – Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Civilizational and Regional Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
April 2004 – Visiting Scholar at the African Studies Centre, Faculty of Social Science of the University of Leiden
2005 – 2007 – Visiting Scholar, Centre for Russian, Central Asian and East European Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
2015 Visiting Scholar at the Centre for African Studies, School of International Stud-ies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
2016 - 2018 Representative of media-platform Russia Beyond the Headlines in India, writer for Russia and India Report
Teaching experience:
2001 –2004 – Senior Lecturer at the School of History, Political Science and Law, Russian State University for Humanities (RSUH).
2020 - present - Associate professor, The Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Com-munication, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
Participation in research programs:
- Federal program “Creation of the tolerance attitudes and preventive measures against extremism in Russian society” 2001-2005
- Fieldwork “Islam and Christianity in Western Africa: historical legacy and modern state” in Tanzania. Special part of research – “Tanzanian Mass Media in multicultural society”. 2003
- Cross-cultural adaptation in modern Russian megapolis. March 2003 – march 2004. Head of the project
- Russian State Scientific Foundation grants project: Africa’s perception in Russia. Evolution Africa’s image in mass media coverage – 2006 - 2009
- Russian Foundation for Humanities grants project «The relations between African-Americans and Recent African Migrants: Socio-Cultural Aspects of Intercommunity Perception»; 2013
- Russian Foundation for Humanities grants project «African Americans and Recent African Migrants in the USA: Cultural Mythology and Reality of Intercommunity Re-lations», fieldwork, 2014.
- RFBR, research project "Black Heritage": The Historical Role of Africans and Their Descendents in Cultural Memory of the USA. 2020
Scholarly Associations Membership:
Year of joining: 2020. Association: Russian Society of Political Scientists
Year of joining: 2017. Association: African Studies Association.
Year of joining: 2016. Association: The African Studies Association of Australa-sia and the Pacific.
Year of joining: 2016. Association: American Anthropological Association.
Year of joining: 2012. Association: Midwest Political Science Association
Year of joining: 2007. Association: European Communication Research and Edu-cation Association
Year of joining: 2006. Association: European Association of Social Anthropolo-gists.
Publications in English:
1. Indian-Africa relations in the changing world: solidarity based cooperation or neo-colonialism// 16th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2020: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe, 21-24 July 2020 in Lisbon. ISCTE-University In-stitute of Lisbon and ICS-Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
2. Formation and Decolonization of Mass Media in Africa: Endless Task // Africa: History and Results of Decolonization (For the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples), Dar es Sa-laam, Tanzania, 2 – 5 November 2020. Book of Abstracts. Moscow, IAS RAS 2020. P.121-125
3. African Entrepreneurs in Moscow: How They Did It Their Way. // Urban Anthro-pology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development. 2013 Vol. 43, № 1/2.
4. Mass Media and National Identity in Multi-Cultural Society of Russia // Cultures and Societies in Transition. India, Russia and Other CIS Countries. Ed. by Manu Mittal. New Delhi: Shipra, 2008. P.29-37
5. Russian Mass Media and Democratization: Main Goals and Achievements // Com-monwealth of Independent States: Energy, Security and Development. Eds. A.M.Chenoy and A.Patnaik. New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2007/ P. 249-260
6. Race and Ethnicity: Similarity and Distinction in Identities of Contemporary Afri-can Migrants and African Americans // Africa: Moving the Bounda-ries.Proceedings of the 39th African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pa-cific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference, 5-7 December 2016, The University of West-ern Australia. (June 2017) ISBN: 978-0- 9942689-2-1. P. 48-51