Natalia A. Zherlitsyna
Deputy Director, Ph.D. (Hist.), Researcher Fellow
SPIN (РИНЦ ID): 7742-5520
Scopus ID: 572 027 86 350
Researcher ID: A-5835-2017
History of Tunisia; Russian-Tunisian relations in the 18th-20th centuries
Tel: +7 495 690-60-25
2005: Ph.D. (Hist.), Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
Thesis: History of Russian-Tunisian relations: 18th-20th centuries
2001-2004: postgraduate, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
1991: M.A. with distinction, Saint-Petersburg State University, School of Oriental Studies, Chair of History of Arab countries, Saint-Petersburg
1990-1991: Trainee, Habib Bourgiba Institute of Living Languages, Tunis, Tunisia
Scholarly experience:
02. 2008 - present Department of History, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher, Moscow
2000-2007: Center for History, Ethnic and Cultural Studies, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, junior researcher, Moscow
Language competence:
English, French, Arabic
Academic trips abroad:
1990-1991: Trainee, Habib Bourgiba Institute of Living Languages, Tunis, Tunisia
Publications (all in Russian):
1. History of establishment of consular relations between Russia and Tunisia (1780-1870)// Quo vadis, Africa? Moscow, 2004, P. 25-37.
2. Tunisian piracy and Russian Policy in the Mediterranean in the 18th-19th centuries // African studies by the new Russian africanists. Moscow, 2004. P. 35-46.
3. Tunisian Regency and Oriental question // Vostochniy archiv, Мoscow, 2004, № 11-12. P. 59-65.
4. History of Russian-Tunisian trade // Vostochniy archiv, Мoscow, 2005, № 13. P. 42-49.
5. Diplomatic documents on the history of Russian-Tunisian relations as a source of study of North Africa // In memory of D.A. Olderogge.Vol.5. D.A. Olderogge and modern African Studies in Russia. Moscow, 2005. P. 77-84.
6. Dialogue of Civilizations. From the history of Russian-Tunisian relations in the 18th -20th centuries (co-author). Moscow, 2006. P.6-58.
7. The Russian-Turkish wars and its consequences for the Regency of Tunisia (late of the 18th – 19th centuries). Based on the documents of Archives of foreign policy of the Russian Empire // Instability in Africa: Retrospect and Prospect. Moscow. 2006. P. 23-35.
8. Peculiarities of study of the French-Tunisian crisis( 1881) in the Russian, French and Tunisian historiography // International Relations in Studies and Teaching of History. Abstracts. Moscow. 2006. P. 60-64.
9. Training of African studients in Russia: problems and prospects // Africa: continent and diaspora in search of identity in the 20th century(co-author). Moscow. 2008. P. 58-70.
10. Natalia A. Zherlitsyna. Ottoman and British factors in anti-french resistance of beylik Constantine in 1830-1837 // Nauchnyi Dialog. 2021. № 4. Р. 357 – 371.
11. Natalia A. Zherlitsyna.. Morocco: "spiritual security" as an imperative of the national counter-terrorism strategy // Asia and Africa today. 2021. № 4. P. 59 - 65.
12. Aleхey M. Vasiliev, Natalia A. Zherlitsina. Internet revolution or just Fitna. Towards the tenth anniversary of the Arab Spring // Vestnik RUDN. International Relations. 2021. V. 21. № 3. P. 529—542.
13. Natalia A. Zherlitsina. The «Entente cordiale» and the rivalry of Great Britain and France in North Africa in 1830-1840. The example of Morocco // Modern and Contemporary History. V. 65, № 4, 2021. P. 71 – 81.
Participation in conferences:
- New Frontiers of Terrorism in Africa International Conference: March 17, 2021. Moscow.
- 15th African Studies Conference titled “Destinies of Africa in the Modern World.”
- XXXI International Congress on Historiography and Source Studies of Aasia and Africa Russia and the East. Сommemorating Centennial of Political and Cultural Ties in Modern Times 23–25 June, 2021
- International conference "Archival Branch in Oriental Studies", Moscow 06.2008
- XI conference of africanists "Africa`s development: possibilities and constraints", Moscow 05.2008
- International conference "Africa: continent and diaspora in search of identity in the 20th century", Moscow 09.2007
- International conference "Asian and African Studies in the Universities of Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Europe". Saint-Petersburg 04.2006
- X conference of africanists “Security for Africa: Internal and External Aspects”, Moscow. 05.2005
- IX conference of africanists “Africa in the Context of North-South Relations”, Moscow 05.2002