Conferences, Seminars, Memorial Readings and Schools
Conferences are an integral part of the Institute's academic activity and occupy a prominent place in its international and public affairs. They provide new impetus to research, open up new directions of study and expand the horizons of science.
Traditionally the IAS holds:
- The International African Studies Conference, which was first held in 1969, takes place triennially and is usually timed to the celebration of Africa Day in the last week of May. The event is attended by a broad spectrum of scholars from Africa, Europe, America, and Asia. The conference covers a wide range of urgent African problems and generates forecasts for the future. The 14th edition of the conference was held in 2017.
- The School of Young Africanists is an annual forum which brings together aspiring researchers, ranging from students to PhD-level scientists, and addresses all areas of African Studies. The event, which is organised in cooperation with universities from various Russian cities, is usually scheduled during October or November.
- D.A. Olderogge Memorial Readings are traditionally held at St. Petersburg State University and are co-organised by the RAS Scientific Council for the Problems of Africa, the IAS and other academic organisations. This scientific event, which has been held for several decades, is widely considered one of the most important forums of Russian and foreign Africanists on a comprehensive discussion of African problems.
- The permanent seminar “Culture and Society”, which has been established by the Centre for History and Cultural Anthropology, aims at contributing to further development of methods of civilisational and cultural-anthropological approach to academic studies.

The papers presented at these events are traditionally published in collections of the Institute’s works.
The Institute’s research fellows regularly take part in conferences both in Russia and abroad held by institutes of the RAS, Russian and foreign universities, and research centres for African and Arabic studies.
- International conference "Leadership and Power in Africa in the Past and the Present: Studies in Russia, Tanzania and Beyond" (March 1-4, 2022 )
- Conference Political Parties in Africa (May 5-6, 2022 )
- Prospects for the processes of destabilization in the Middle East, North Africa, the Sahel and the Horn of Africa (December 7, 2021 )
- Session "African vector of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation" (October 16, 2021 )
- 15th International African Studies Conference “Destinies of Africa in the Modern World” (May 24-26, 2021 )
- The idea of postcoloniality in modern civilizational concepts (November 23-24, 2021 )
- Gender aspects of african culture: between archaic and present (November 17, 2021 )
- Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Angola to the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (October 13, 2021 )
- Conference Deradicalization of political Islam as an urgent task of modern civilizational development (September 30, 2021 )
- Conference "Africa in the Face of Modern Challenges and Threats" (March 25, 2021 )
- Round table "Africa - a Hotbed of Interethnic and Interreligious Confrontation" (March 18, 2021 )
- International online conference «New Frontiers of Terrorism in Africa» (March 17, 2021 )
- The conference "African Economy: Trends and Transformations" (March 4-5, 2021 )
- Online conference "Scientific and Technological Potential of Africa (February 10, 2021 )
- Conference "Current Situation in the Horn of Africa Region" (December 16-17, 2020)
- Online conference following the BRICS Summit and the presentation of a series of books (December 7, 2020)
- Online conference "Prospects for Destabilization Processes in the Middle East and North Africa: Before and after the Pandemic " (December 2, 2020)
- Online conference "Separatism in Africa: History, Modernity and Prospects" (November 25, 2020)
- XIX All-Russian School of Young Africanists (November 25, 2020)
- International Scientific Forum “Russia - Africa: Politics, Economy, History and Culture", (within the X International Symposium "Islam in the Multicultural World") (November 11, 2020)
- Conference “The Turning Point in the History of Africa. Expectations and Reality " (October 14, 2020)
- Webinar from the series "Africa: Crossroad (Scramble) of (Re)Emerging Forses" (October 5, 2020)
- BRICS Civil Forum (September 23-25, 2020)
- Online conference "Africa in the Global Migration Flow: History and Modernity" (September 23, 2020)
- Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of South Sudan (January 28, 2020)
- Africa: History and Results of Decolonization (For the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples) (November 2-5, 2020)
- “Africa: Postcolonial Discourse” (June 25-26 2020)
- Russia and Africa in the Modern World: New Challenges and Prospects for Cooperation (June 4, 2020)
- The speech of the Director of the Institute for African studies of the RAS, Corresponding Member, Professor Irina Abramova at the economic conference “Russia – Africa” (June 20-21, 2019)
- Second international forum “Development of Parliamentarism” (July 1-3, 2019)
- Africa day celebration (May 28, 2019)
- EAEU-Egypt International Expert Session (April 11, 2019)
- Meeting of the Director of the Institute I.O. Abramova with the Ambassador of Egypt in Russia Aref Ali Nayed (April 22, 2019)
- Scientific conference “Researching African History: Problems, people, Sources” (April 17-18, 2019)
- The Round Table "North Africa Expert Roundtable"(April 24, 2019)
- "The Round Table "New Trends in African Studies: Historical, Anthropological, and Gender Aspects" (Moscow, October 1, 2019)
- "State-Building in Africa: Prospects and Challenges" 1st International Social Scientists Conference (Dar es Salam, Tanzania March 4th -7th, 2019)
- "Elections in Africa" Internal Changes and Foreign Policy of African Countries Conference Series (November 1-2, 2018 )
- Russian-African Relations in the Context of The Africa’ “Turn To The East” (Moscow, April 18, 2018 )
- 14th International African Studies Conference (Moscow, October 17-20, 2017)
- Non-Western Europe and Africa: Connections in the Past and the Present (Moscow, June 2–3, 2016)
- The first scientific colloquium "African Studies: Perspectives from Russia and Slovenia" (Ljubljana, May 14-15, 2015)
- 13th International Conference of Africanists (Moscow, May 27-30, 2014)
- Round table discussion "Africans in Russia: problems of adaptation and integration" (Moscow, 31 october 2012)
- 12th Conference of Africanists "Africa in The Changing World Development Paradigm" (Moscow, 24-26 may 2011)
- Динамика африканских обществ: закономерности, тенденции, перспективы (Москва 23-24 ноября 2010)
- Séminaire international «Racisme, xénophobie et discrimination. Tels que nous les avons vus…» (Moscow, 27-28 may 2010)
- V International Conference "Hierarchy and power in the history of civilizations" (23-26 june 2010)
- 11-th Conference of africanists "Africa's development: possibilities and contrasts" (22-24 may 2008 )
- Вторые чтения памяти И.И. Потехина (1 октября 2008 г.)
- VII Школа молодых африканистов России (26-27 ноября 2008 г.)
- IV International Conference "Hierarchy and power in the history of civilizations" (13-16 june 2006)
- III International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in The History of Civilizations" (18-21 june 2004)
- II International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in The History of Civilizations" (4-7 jule 2002)
- International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in The History of Civilizations" (15–20 june 2000)