Новая партия книг в ИНИОН из Африки
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1. Yonas Ashine D. Slaves of state, intellectuals of development : a genealogy of development in Ethiopia / Yonas Ashine Demisse, 2022. - 272 p.
2. Asiimwe G.B. (Mis)management of sub-nationalism and diversity in "nations" : the case of Buganda in Uganda, 1897-1980 / Godfrey Berinde Asiimwe, 2022. - XIV, 170 p.
3. Bossa J. Statehood on trial: thoughts on the 1966 Uganda political crisis / Joseph Bossa, 2022. - XVI, 248 p.
4. Countering violent extremism in Kenya : between the rule of law and the quest for security / ed. by Alamin Mazrui [et al.], 2018. - 182 p.
5. Des Forges A.L. Defeat is the only bad news : Rwanda under Musinga, 1896-1931 / Alison Liebhafsky Des Forges ; ed. by David Newbury ; forew. by Roger V. Des Forges, 2020. - XXXVIII, 306 p.
6. Denis Ph. The Genocide against the Tutsi, and the Rwandan Churches : between grief and denial / Philippe Denis, 2022. - XIV, 343 p.
7. Earle J.L. Contesting Catholics : Benedicto Kiwanuka and the birth of postcolonial Uganda / Jonathon L. Earle, J. J. Carney, 2021. - XX, 242 p.
8. Elkins C. Britain's Gulag : the brutal end of empire in Kenya / Caroline Elkins, 2014. - XVI, 475 p.
9. Enyegue J. L., SJ Competing Catholicisms : The Jesuits, the Vatican and the Making of Postcolonial French Africa. / Jean Luc Enyegue, 2022. - XX, 301 p.
10. Essays on Pan-Africanism / ed. by Shiraz Durrani, Noosim Naimasiach, 2022. - IV, 271 p.
11. Events & faces in the making of Uganda : specially compiled for the 60th independence anniversary / ed. Odoobo C. Bichachi, 2022. - 332 p.
12. A History of Kigezi in South-west Uganda / ed. D. Denoon, 2018. - XXX, 456 p.
13. Leng'etu P. The Ilwuasinkishu and Ilmoitanik Maasai : a history of internal division, upheavals and survival / Peter Leng'etu ole Katim, Sironka ole Masharen, 2022. - XIV, 156 p.
14. Olupot I. Iteso the Israelites of Africa : The indomitable ateker people / Olupot Isaac, [2019]. - 134 p.
15. Kainerugaba M. Battles of the Ugandan resistance : A Tradition of Maneuver / Muhoozi Kainerugaba, 2010. - XXIV, 223 p.
16. Kamunchuluh J.S.T. Mau Mau in Meru: the untold story / John Samuel Thula Kamunchuluh, 2020. - 318 p.
17. The Kings of Buganda : Sir Apolo Kaggwa / transl. a. ed. with comment. by M.S.M. Kiwanuka, 2021. - XXIII, 349 p.
18. Koissaba B.R.O. Tears of disinheritance : revisiting the Maasai historical and contemporary land injustices in Kenya / Ben R. Ole Koissaba, 2021. - XXVI, 274 p.
19. Ken-Lukyamuzi J. Uganda: a creature of the federal doctrine : critical parliamentary issues / John Ken-Lukyamuzi, 2016. - VIII, 204 p.
20. Lamwaka C. The Raging Storm : a reporter's inside account of the Northern Uganda war, 1986-2005 / Caroline Lamwaka ; ed. by Ronald R. Atkinson, 2016. - XXVIII, 463 p.
21. De L'Estrac J.C. Francophonie de Hanoï à Dakar : le pacte brisé / Jean Claude De L'Estrac ; préf. de D.ominique Wolton, 2016. - 224 p.
22. Lwanga-Lunyiigo S. A History of the Democratic Party of Uganda : the first thirty years (1954-1984) / Samwiri Lwanga-Lunyiigo, 2015. - VIII, 222 p.
23. Citizen and subject : contemporary Africa and the legacy of late colonialism / with a new pref. by Mahmood Mamdani, 2017. - XXIV, 353 p.
24. Mamdani M. Neither settler nor native: the making and unmaking of permanent minorities / Mahmood Mamdani, 2020. - 401 p.
25. Mathak D. Politics of ethnic discrimination in Sudan : a justification for the secession of South Sudan / Dhieu Mathak, 2009. - XXXIV, 244 p.
26. Mwesigwa S. Luwero War in the Eyes of a Witness : A Civilian Narrative of People's War / Samuel Mwesigwa, 2023. - IV, 196 p.
27. Matembe M.R.K. The Struggle for freedom & democracy betrayed : memoirs of Miria Matembe as an insider in Museveni's government / Miria R.K. Matembe, 2019. - XXV, 250 p.
28. Moving back into the future : critical recovering of Africa's cultural heritage / ed. Dominica Dipio, 2021. - XX, 255 p.
29. Njoroge L.M. Beyond Century of Endeavour : A history of the Catholic Church in Kenya / Lawrence M. Njoroge, 2022. - 524 p.
30. Okuk J. Peace of South Sudan and revitalization: historicity, institutions, leadership and external dynamics / James Okuk, 2019. - XX, 223 p.
31. Ogena X. Moving Uganda : a political life of Museveni, volume II, c. 1986-2017 / Xavier Ogena, 2023. - XVI, 317 p., [2] l. ill. с.
32. Ogena Х. A Fighting Man : a political life of Museveni, volume I, c. 1944-1986 / Xavier Ogena, 2021. - XV, 260 p.
33. Remembering Julius Nyerere in Tanzania : History, Memory, Legacy / ed. by Marie-Aude Fouéré, 2015. - XIV, 337 p.
34. Smith C. Nairobi in the making : landscapes of time and urban belonging / Constance Smith, 2019. - X, 210 p.
35. Sseremba Y. The State and the puzzle of ethnicity: rethinking mass violence in Uganda's Rwenzori region / Yahya Sseremba, 2021. - 162 p.
36. Tibenderana P.K. Education and cultural change in Northern Nigeria, 1906-1966 : a study in the creation of a dependent culture / Peter K. Tibenderana, 2003. - XVI, 228 p.
37. Tiberondwa A.K. Missionary teachers as agents of colonialism : a study of their activities in Uganda, 1877-1925 / Ado K. Tiberondwa, 1998. - VIII, 114 p.
38. Wild-Wood E. The Mission of Apolo Kivebulaya : religious encounter and social change in the Great Lakes c. 1865-1935 / Emma Wild-Wood, 2020. - XVIII, 318 p.
39. Wilson J.F.M. A History of Tooro in Western Uganda : from the foundation of the kingdom to 1900 / James F. M. Wilson, 2021. - XXVIII, 348 p.