SUGAKOV Gleb Konstantinovich

PhD (Economics)
Researcher Centre for Global and Strategic Studies.

SPIN RSCI Author: 1043565
ORCID: 0000-0001-6270-209X
ResearcherID: LWK-5520-2024

Research Interests:
Foreign direct investment in Africa;
Oceans economy;
Human geography of Africa

30/1 Spiridonovka St.; 123001 Moscow; Russia
Phone: +7 (495) 695-66-50

Foreign Languages:
English, Portuguese

Key Publications:
• Sugakov G.K. (2024). Kapital Shvejcarii v Afrike kak instrument bor'by s migraciej na rasstojanii [Swiss Capital in Africa as a Tool to Prevent Migration] // Azija i Afrika segodnja. No. 9. Pp. 63–70. DOI:
• Barinov A.K., Sugakov G.K. (2024). Dostup k chistoj vode v stranah Afriki [Access to clean water in African countries] // Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Vol. 94. No. 6. Pp. 550–559. DOI:
• Sugakov G.K. (2023). Masshtabnost' jekonomicheskogo potenciala strany kak faktor raspredelenija investicij na primere malyh ostrovnyh gosudarstv Afriki [The Scale of a Country’s Economic Potential as a Factor in Investment Allocation. The Case of Small Island States in Africa] // Uchjonye zapiski Instituta Afriki RAN. No. 3 (64). Pp. 48-58. DOI:
• Sugakov G.K. (2023). Novaja Morskaja doktrina Rossii i razvitie rossijsko-afrikanskih otnoshenij [Russia's New Maritime Doctrine and the Development of Russian-African Relations]. Voprosy ustojchivogo razvitija regionov / pod red. d-ra geogr. nauk, prof. V.M. Razumovskogo, d-ra jekon. nauk, prof. A.G. Bezdudnoj. SPb. : Izd-vo SPbGJeU. Pp. 53-56.
• Sugakov G.K. (2022) Razvitie rybolovstva i akvakul'tury v Zapadnoi Afrike: vozmozhnost' dlya Rossii? [Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in West Africa: an Opportunity for Russia?]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, no 4 (184), pp. 100–105, available at: DOI:
• Sugakov G.K. (2021). Geographical analysis of foreign investor activity (case study of Africa). Geographical Bulletin. No. 4 (59). Pp. 42–58. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.17072/2079-7877-2021-4-42-58
• Sugakov G.K. (2021). Russian-African Investment Cooperation and Concept of Territorial Interests. Russian Foreign Economic Journal. No. 9. Pp. 37-48. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.24411/2072-8042-2021-9-37-48
• Sugakov G.K. (2020). Sub-Saharan Africa in the Global System of Social Investment. Asia and Africa today. No. 10. Pp. 52-58. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31857/S032150750011117-0
• Sugakov G.K. (2019). Comparative Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of African Countries for Russian Capital. Journal of the Institute for African studies. No. 4 (49). Pp. 118-126. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31132/2412-5717-2019-49-4-118-126