Valentina BRYNDINA
Junior Researcher Centre for History and Cultural Anthropology
RSCI AuthorID: 1009645
SPIN-cod Science Index: 1866-3797
Scopus ID: 57217164677
Contact info:
30/1 Spiridonovka St., 123001 Moscow, Russia
Personal status:
Born on February 14, 1995 in Moscow, Russia.
2020: Translator (Arabic language) from Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Science, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
2019: M.A. cum laude (General History) from Chair of World History, Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Science, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
2019: Arabic language courses, Egyptian Russian University. Badr, Egypt.
2018: Arabic language courses, Lebanese University. Beirut, Lebanon.
Academic experience:
Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
2019 to present: Junior Research Fellow, Center of History and Cultural Anthropology.
Research interests:
History of Christianity in Tanzania
Muslim-Christian relations in Zanzibar
Interconfessional relations in modern Tanzania
Historical memory of the slave trade in modern Tanzania
Language competence:
English, Swahili, Arabic.
2019-2023: Tanzania.
Archival Research:
October 2024: United Kingdom. Weston Library, Bodleian Libraries.
September-October 2022: Tanzania. Zanzibar National Archives (ZNA).
November 2020: Tanzania. Zanzibar National Archives (ZNA).
Participation in grant projects:
2023-2025: Russian Science Foundation, grant № 23-18-01091 "Historical and Cultural Context of the Formation of Nations in the Conditions of Ethnoracial Stratification."
2022-2023: Russian Science Foundation, grant № 22-28-00734 "Two Colonizations of Tanganyika: Attitude of German Colonial Officers and European Travelers towards Local Arab and Arab-Swahili Elite (based on written and visual sources)."
2020-2022: Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant № 20-09-00361 "Cultural Memory about 19th Century Arab Slave Trade and its Influence on Interethnic Relations in Modern-Day Tanzania."
2019-2022: Russian Foundation for Basic Research, № 18-18-00454 "Historical Memory as a Factor of the Evolution of Social-Political Systems (Sub-Saharan Africa and Mesoamerica)";
PUBLICATIONS (those in English are bolded):
I. Monographs:
1. With A.A. Banshchikova and O.V. Ivanchenko. Between Chains and Books: Historical Memory of the 19th Century Arab-Swahili Slave Trade in Insular and Mainland Tanzania. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2024. ISBN 978-5-6052752-2-0. 300 p.
II. Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
1. With A.A. Banshchikova and O.V. Ivanchenko. From “Noble Cavaliers” to “The Plague of Africa”: Comparative Perception of the Arab Population of Tanganyika by the British and Germans and the Factor of the Colonial Agenda. 2024. № 6. P. 323-333. DOI:
2. The Spread of Christianity and Christian-Muslim Relations in the Context of Muslim Majority in Zanzibar and Pemba (Tanzania): 2020–2024 Archival and Field Research Results. Christianity in the Middle East. 2024. Vol. 8. No. 2. Pp. 161–193. DOI: 10.24412/2587-9316-2024-0100
3. Evolution of Representation of Slavery in the 20th – 21st Centuries American Films: Historical and Cultural Context. Anthropology across Borders and Limits: 1st Independent Research Network Papers, Proceedings from the 3rd-5th Russian-American research nexus forums. Meabooks, Inc.: 2023. Pp. 187-195.
4. Europeans and Tippu Tip: Accounts of African Encounters Based on European Memoirs and Swahili Autobiography. Vostok (Oriens). 2023. No. 5. Pp. 129–140. DOI: 10.31857/S086919080025179-3
5. "The Most Remarkable Man among Arabs, Waswahili, and Half-Castes in Africa": The Image of Tippu Tip in the Memories and Travelogues of Europeans in the Second Half of the 19th Century. RUDN Journal of World History. 2023;15(2):216–232.
6. Legacy of J.K. Nyerere Through the Lens of Muslim-Christian Relations on Zanzibar. In: D.M. Bondarenko, T.S. Denisova, and S.V. Kostelyanyets (eds.). "Every Citizen is an Integral Part of the Nation." To the 100th Anniversary of the Founder of Independent Tanzania Julius Kambarage Nyerere. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2022. Pp. 146-161.
7. With A.A. Banshchikova and O.V. Ivanchenko. Perception of Geographical Destinations of 19th Century Arab-Swahili Slave Trade among Mainland Tanzanians, Zanzibar Citizens and Native Zanzibarians. In: D.M. Bondarenko, T.S. Denisova, and S.V. Kostelyanyets (eds.). "Every Citizen is an Integral Part of the Nation." To the 100th Anniversary of the Founder of Independent Tanzania Julius Kambarage Nyerere. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2022. P. 129-145.
8. With A.A. Banshchikova and O.V. Ivanchenko. Perception of Geographical Destinations of 19th Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania: Slave Export Destinations and the Image of Slave Traders. In: V.V. Gribanova, N.L. Krylova (eds.). African Traditions and Modernity: Problems of History, Culture, and Gender. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2020. P. 119-128.
9. With A.A. Banshchikova and O.V. Ivanchenko. Perception of Geographical Destinations of 19th Century Arab Slave Trade in Modern Tanzania: Field Research Results. Vostok (Oriens). 2020. No. 1. P. 82-93.
10. The Image of Africans in Britain of the First Half of the 19th Century. In: V.B. Petrov, O.V. Filatova, and V.A. Tsvyk (eds.). Dialogue of Civilizations: East – West. Proceedings of the XIX Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers. Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2019. P. 94-110.
11. "Feminization" and "Peasantization" of Monasticism in the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Centuries. In: V.B. Petrov, O.V. Filatova, and V.A. Tsvyk (eds.). History, Politics and Philosophy in the Age of Globalization: Proceedings of the VII Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers. Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2017. P. 227-238.
12. With E.V. Kriazheva-Kartseva and A.V. Novikova. Historical Experience of Penitentiary System’s Operation of Monasteries in 19th – Early 20th Centuries. In: V.M. Kozmenko (ed.). History that Binds Us Together. Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2016. P. 157-160.
13. Factors of Charity’s Flourishing in Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church (Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries). In: V.B. Petrov, O.V. Filatova, and V.A. Tsvyk (eds.). Dialogue of Civilizations: East – West. Proceedings of the XVI Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers. Moscow: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 2016. P. 82-90.
III. Abstracts:
1. Muslim-Christians Relations on Zanzibar and Pemba (2020-2023 Field Research’s Results). The 16th International Conference of Africanists. Book of abstracts. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2024.
2. Europeans and Tippu Tip: Accounts of Encounters in Central and East Africa based on European Memoirs and Swahili Autobiography. In: N. Dyakov, A. Pobedonostseva Kaya, P. Rysakova (eds.). XXXII International Congress on Source Studies and Historiography of Asia and Africa: Russia and the East. Сommemorating 300th anniversary of Saint-Petersburg State University. April, 26- 28, 2023. Proceedings. St Petersburg: RCAH Publishing House, 2023. Pp. 425-426.
3. Muslim-Christian Relations in Zanzibar: Results of 4th Field Research Season. In: N.A. Zherlitsyna (ed.). The XXI Russian Conference for Young Scholars. Book of abstracts. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2022. P. 200-201.
4. With A.A. Banshchikova and O.V. Ivanchenko. The Sultan of Zanzibar, Tippu Tip and Local Chiefs: Key Figures of the 19th Century Arab-Swahili Slave Trade in European Written Sources and the Views of Modern Tanzanians. International Conference "Leadership and Power in Africa in the Past and the Present: Studies in Russia, Tanzania and Beyond". Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1-4 March 2022. Book of Abstracts. Moscow: IAS RAS, 2022. P. 33.
5. Evolution of Slavery Representation in the 20th – 21st Centuries American Movies: Historical and Cultural Context. The 15th International Conference of Africanists. Book of abstracts. Moscow: Institute for African Studies, 2021. P. 175.
6. British Accounts on Zanzibar in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries: Colonial Discourse and the Image of the Other. In: T.M. Gavristova, N.E. Khokholkova (eds.). Africa: Postcolonial Discourse. All-Russian Conference. Book of abstracts. Yaroslavl: Filigran, 2020. P. 30-33.
7. Description of East Africa by British Explorers in the Second Half of the 19th Century: Impact of the Historical and Cultural Context. In: N.A. Zherlitsyna (ed.). The XVIII Russian Conference for Young Scholars. Book of abstracts. Moscow: Institute for African Studies Press, 2019. P. 306.
8. Transformation of Africa’s Image in Britain in the Second Half of 19th Century. In: A.V. Chelnokova (ed.). Ex Oriente Lux. The 4th International Student Conference on Asian and African Studies. Book of abstracts. St. Petersburg: UPI, 2019. P. 58.
IV. Reviews:
1. Review of Jutta Wimmler. The Sun King's Atlantic: Drugs, Demons and Dyestuffs in the Atlantic World, 1640-1730. H-Africa, H-Net Reviews. July, 2021. URL:
2. Review of Hans Olsson. Jesus for Zanzibar. Narratives of Pentecostal (Non)Belonging, Islam, and Nation. H-Africa, H-Net Reviews. November, 2020. URL:
1. December Linguistic Lecture-Hall "Fields methods of linguistics and anthropology". Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 6 December 2024.
2. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. October 2024, Moscow, Russia.
3. 31st Biennial International Conference of the ASAUK. Oxford Brookes University, 31 August 2024, Oxford, UK.
4. 16th International Conference of Africanists. Institute for African Studies. 23 May 2024, Moscow, Russia.
5. International Conference “Slavery and Post-slavery in Modern African History”. University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, 7-9 November 2023.
6. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. October 2023, Moscow, Russia.
7. National Conference with International Participation "Colonialism, Neocolonialism, Decolonisation: Research Experience and Contemporary Discourse". October 19, 2023, Moscow, Russia.
8. XV Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia. June 29, 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia.
9. XXXII International Congress on Source Studies and Historiography of Asia and Africa: Russia and the East. Сommemorating 300th anniversary of Saint-Petersburg State University. April 27, 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia.
10. Seminar "Homo Sapiens Historicus". HSE University, International Center of Anthropology. January 2023, Moscow, Russia.
11. XXI Russian Conference for Young Scholars. Institute for African Studies. November 2022, Moscow, Russia.
12. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. November 2022, Moscow, Russia.
13. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. October 2022, Moscow, Russia.
14. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. June 2022, Moscow, Russia.
15. International Conference "Leadership and Power in Africa in the Past and the Present: Studies in Russia, Tanzania and Beyond". 1-4 March 2022, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
16. 15th International Conference of Africanists. Institute for African Studies. 25 May 2021, Moscow, Russia.
17. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. May 2021, Moscow, Russia.
18. Round Table "Africa – a Hotbed of Interethnic and Interreligious Confrontation". MGIMO University. March 2021, Moscow, Russia.
19. All-Russian Conference "Africa: Postcolonial Discourse". Institute for African Studies, Yaroslavl State University. June 2020, Yaroslavl, Russia.
20. XVIII Russian Conference for Young Scholars. Institute for African Studies. November 2019, Moscow, Russia.
21. Ex Oriente Lux. The 4th International Student Conference on Asian and African Studies. November 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia.
22. Seminar "Culture and Society". Center for History and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for African Studies. October 2019, Moscow, Russia.
23. Round Table "African Traditions and Modernity: Problems of History, Culture, and Gender". Institute for African Studies. October 2019, Moscow, Russia.