2-3 June 2016 «Non-Western Europe and Africa: Connections in the Past and the Present»
International Conference
«Non-Western Europe and Africa: Connections in the Past and the Present»
Moscow, Russia. June 2–3, 2016
We would like to inform you that Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences will hold an international conference of Central and East European Africanists «Non-Western Europe and Africa: Connections in the Past and the Present» in Moscow on 2-3 June 2016.
Conference aims at the creation of the forum for an academic discussion with scholars in African Studies from different countries of Central and Eastern Europe on the issues of ties, relations and exchanges between these countries and the African continent in the past and the present. This conference will become a follow-up of the scientific dialogue with our Slovenian colleagues after the first joint colloquium of Russian-Slovenian Africanists in Ljubljana in 2015.
If you are interested in participation in the conference, please send us the theme of your paper by 31 January 2016.
Please, refer to the representative of the Organizing Committee Ms Olga Kulkova: kulkova-olga@yandex.ru.
By 15 February 2016, the Organizing Committee will inform you if your topic has been accepted.
In case of acceptance, we will kindly ask you to send us the short abstract of your paper (100-300 words in English) and the information required to prepare documents for your further application for the Russian visa (please see below), by 1 March 2016. Please, send all the required information to Ms Olga Kulkova by e-mail: kulkova-olga@yandex.ru.
Our Institute will prepare the following documents for your further application for Russian visa:
- official invitation letters from our Institute (for participants of the EU member countries, except United Kingdom and Ireland)
- Visa Support Application Certificates (for participants from non-EU countries, from United Kingdom and Ireland, and for persons from EU countries, which accompany conference participants).
According to the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the nationals of the following states do not need Russian entry visas, at least for one short-term entry, as of August 2015: Abkhazia, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chili, China (residents of Hong Kong and Macao only!), Cuba, Columbia, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia (yet the official letter of invitation is necessary), Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Nauru, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Serbia, South Ossetia, Republic of South Africa, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey (till 1 January, 2016), Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela.
For participants from these countries the Institute will also prepare official invitation letters.
We ask all our prospective participants to send us their following personal information for preparing visa application documents:
• your passport page with photo and personal particulars (and also the page with registration, your residence and work permits, if you reside in a country other than the one a citizen of which you are).
• Place of permanent residence (state and locality)
• Place of work
• Position occupied
• Work full address (not a post box number), fax and telephone numbers
Besides, please indicate where you will apply for visa (state and the city in which a Russian Embassy or/and Consulate is present) and the postal address to which your Visa Support Application Certificate (in case you need one) should be sent.
Please note that, to our pity, the Organizing Committee has no means for covering the participants’ travel or accommodation expenditures.
We kindly attract your attention to the fact that the Visa Support Application Certificate is NOT a visa!
Please note, that your passport should be valid six months after the Russian visa's expiry date.
After getting the Visa Support Application Certificate (not earlier that three month before supposed entry, according to the Russian legislation) you should apply with it in hand at a Consulate or Embassy of the Russian Federation precisely in the city indicated by you to us. Before going there in person you can fill out the electronic version of the Russian visa application form and print the visa application form, required for applying for a visa to the Russian Federation, at the specialized website of the Consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
We would like to encourage you to make independent hotel reservation. You can find information about many Moscow hotels of different class and make a reservation online on the Internet, for what please visit such local sites as Moscow-hotels-russia, Hotelsrussia, Select-a-room, or All-hotels, as well as global sites, like Otel.com, Booking, etc. You can also consider hotel “Dom na Mayakovke” which is quite close to the venue. Please note that beginning of June is high tourist season in Moscow, so early booking is strongly recommended.
Working language of the conference is English.
We will be grateful to you if you could circulate this information among your colleagues who might be interested in participation.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the Conference!
With kind regards,
Yours faithfully,
Organizing Committee