I. Cultures and Languages
I-1. Anthropology’s Contribution to the Study of 21st Century Africa
I-3. Languages of Africa: Traditions and Perspectives
I-6. The Creole World and Creoles of Africa
I-7. Tradition and Innovation: Insights into African Art
II. Economics
II-3. New Technologies for Sustained Development of African Economies
II-4. Popular Economies and Mutual Aid in Africa in the Era of Uncertainty
III. Global Issues
III-1. Africa in the Global Climatic Measurement
IV. History
IV-1. African History Studies: The State of the Art
IV-4. Entangled Cooperation. Communist Countries and the Cold War in Africa
IV-5. Russian Studies on Africa in the Past and Present: People, Problems, Theories, Perspectives
IV-6. USSR and Decolonization of Africa
V. International Relations
V-1. Africa in a Polycentric World
V-2. Africa’s Small States and Geopolitical Realignment
V-3. African Integration and Peacekeeping
V-4. BRICS and Resistance in Africa: Thriving or Surviving?
V-5. BRICS: Innovative Development Trajectory
V-6. Foreign Competition in the Horn of Africa
V-7. Four Decades after: Assessing the Politics, Dynamics and Depth of Integration in West Africa
V-8. Sino-US-Russian Policies and Africa
V-9. The “African Vector” in the Policy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP)
V-10. The Dynamics of Solidarity in Africa: History – State of the Art – Future Challenges
V-11. The EU and Africa: Security – Development Nexus
VI. Migrations and Diasporas
VI-1. Diaspora, Indigenous Investors, Economic Development and National Vision
VI-2. Migration Dynamics in Southern Africa: Understanding the Past, the Present and the Future
VI-3. Pan-Africanism and Migration
VII. Politics
VII-1. Democratic Election Process in Africa: Progress, Paradoxes and Challenges
VII-3. Ruling in Rough Seas: The Portraits of Political Leaders in South Africa
VII-6. Strengthening Local Government
VII-8. The Roots of Contemporary Conflicts in the Horn of Africa
VIII. Social Issues
VIII-1. African Trade-Unionism in the 21th Century – Coming of Age?
VIII-2. Decolonial Education in South Africa
VIII-4. Justice and Development in Contemporary Africa
VIII-5. Security, Corruption and the African Development Discourse
VIII-6. The Formal and the Informal City in Africa: Planning and Governance Dilemmas
VIII-7. The Gender Dimension of National, Regional and Global Changes in Africa
Convener: Organizing Committee Member (Institute for African Studies, Moscow, Russia); e-mail: